what is body art fitness

BODYART is aholistic functional training derived from the Body & Mind trend. It has acomprehensive impact on the body and mind, leading to an internal and external balance. This practice is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, gender or level of training.

BODYART is afusion of various techniques: yoga, tai chi, qiqong, dance, and therapeutic and fitness exercises. On the physical level, it improves strength, endurance, flexibility and increases coordination. In the mental aspect, it supports concentration, reduces stress, and also increases the level of life energy.

 - What Is Body Art Fitness

The training was created by Robert Steinbacher - one of the most recognized fitness presenters on the international scene. The exercise program developed by him meets the needs of modern people, who crave for silence and concentration in their busy everyday life. The artist was inspired by the Chinese theory of the existence of Yin and Yang and the idea of ​​the five elements. In practice, this means striving for balance and working on conscious breathing, allowing the free flow of energy in the body.

Bodyart Fitness Gym In Dahotia,jorhat

BODYART, unlike classic strength training, focused on individual muscles, takes place using the work of the whole body. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that all the positions follow each other smoothly, gradually turning into one, dynamic dance pattern. Music accompanying the classes perfectly harmonizes with the performed exercises, and also positively moods and relaxes tense muscles. All this makes BODYART not only working on aslim figure, but also an attractive form of play.

BODYART training has amazing health properties. It helps to correct incorrect posture, strengthens the deep muscles, stimulates the circulatory system, and also wonderfully relaxes and relaxes. With regular exercise, you can notice asignificant improvement in well-being - both physically and mentally.

BODYART is atraining in which everyone will find something for themselves. It gives alot of possibilities for modification, so it can be more functional, therapeutic, strength or focused solely on breathing or relaxation. It all depends on you!A healthy lifestyle is the key to excellent well-being, good mood and beauty. What fitness club is a good choice in Kyiv and why?

Top 8 Reasons To Go To Bodyart Fitness

Each has its own fitness goal: someone has only 1-2 hours per week to train to stay healthy, and someone seeks revealing new capabilities of their body on each training session, learning something new about it.  Whatever goal you pursue, it is important to have a desire and motivation to go in for sports even on the most grey and the most rainy day. Gym that you choose to train in plays an important role in motivating yourself. In the you will find the type of exercising that you will like: here they have the most trendy group classes that cannot be found in other clubs, and the best equipment, and special programs that bring prompt results.

If you group exercising, may offer you all kinds of group programs – there are over 40 of them, so rest assured you will have something new to try every day. For example, on Monday you can go for yoga, pilates or callanetics to smoothly flow into a new working week. Aerobic classes are perfect for Wednesdays, because the middle of the week is prescribed to conquer new peaks, and dance classes are exactly what you need to practice on Fridays.

BODYART Training - What Is Body Art Fitness

Has beginner and advanced programs. If you are new to fitness, you can pick a beginner level which doesn’t involve heavy loads on your body and you will not feel drained after workouts.

Bodyart Fitness Review: We Try Madonna's Workout

Choosing the right level, you will be able to practice such popular and new trends as Jumping, TRX or Sky Yoga. Jumping is a trendy group workout which involves all body muscles. The training uses special trampolines with a variety of exercises performed on them. Such training allows you to burn up to 600 kcal in 55 minutes and it is good for those who have spine and joint problems. If you have a goal to lose weight in the shortest time, you may get interested in TRX. offers special beginner classes and classes for those who like the ‘tough thing’. Sky Yoga is also effective but less intense class. Training is held in special hanging hammocks.

Training staff is another advantage of the . All gym employees are professional athletes with higher education, most of whom are rehab specialists. Before starting training, you will be given a fitness attestation, which will result in a special program taking into account all limitations and physical abilities.


It is very important that the gym is located nearby your workplace or your home. is located on one of the central streets of Kiev (Mechnykova, 3), so you can easily come to workout during your lunchtime. The club also has its own parking and even a car wash.

Body Art I Well Fitness

We want to get the maximum benefits from training, so it is important to keep proper form of each exercise. A premium-class fitness club primarily cares about the comfort of its visitors. Our trainers are always attentive to everyone who attends group classes. Also, you will never find our club being packed with people at any time of the day so you won’t have queue to run on a treadmill.

After productive gym workout, you may find it appealing to pamper yourself with a massage, wrapping or other cosmetic treatment that are available at .

BodyArt Training, The Training To Say Goodbye To Stress - What Is Body Art Fitness

The design of a fitness club where we train plays an important role. It should not be intrusive. has custom interior design, walls are graffiti styled, stylish locker rooms which you do not want to leave, dim gym lightning which contributes to a productive training process.

Pilates Body Art Fitness & Wellness

Choosing the right level, you will be able to practice such popular and new trends as Jumping, TRX or Sky Yoga. Jumping is a trendy group workout which involves all body muscles. The training uses special trampolines with a variety of exercises performed on them. Such training allows you to burn up to 600 kcal in 55 minutes and it is good for those who have spine and joint problems. If you have a goal to lose weight in the shortest time, you may get interested in TRX. offers special beginner classes and classes for those who like the ‘tough thing’. Sky Yoga is also effective but less intense class. Training is held in special hanging hammocks.

Training staff is another advantage of the . All gym employees are professional athletes with higher education, most of whom are rehab specialists. Before starting training, you will be given a fitness attestation, which will result in a special program taking into account all limitations and physical abilities.


It is very important that the gym is located nearby your workplace or your home. is located on one of the central streets of Kiev (Mechnykova, 3), so you can easily come to workout during your lunchtime. The club also has its own parking and even a car wash.

Body Art I Well Fitness

We want to get the maximum benefits from training, so it is important to keep proper form of each exercise. A premium-class fitness club primarily cares about the comfort of its visitors. Our trainers are always attentive to everyone who attends group classes. Also, you will never find our club being packed with people at any time of the day so you won’t have queue to run on a treadmill.

After productive gym workout, you may find it appealing to pamper yourself with a massage, wrapping or other cosmetic treatment that are available at .

BodyArt Training, The Training To Say Goodbye To Stress - What Is Body Art Fitness

The design of a fitness club where we train plays an important role. It should not be intrusive. has custom interior design, walls are graffiti styled, stylish locker rooms which you do not want to leave, dim gym lightning which contributes to a productive training process.

Pilates Body Art Fitness & Wellness